Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Brown Eyed... Potato.

I still love potatoes.

Not that Rome was built in a day or anything. I didn't think that my lifetime relationship with Mr. Lay and his friends would be an easy one to disregard by any means.

I went to the grocery store with a friend today and saw them - just sitting there, all their eyes on me - bunches and bunches of potatoes in their tight net bags, their gazes boring deep into the soul of my stomach.

Why here? Why now? Besides the fact that I'm in the produce section of a grocery store where they belong? How can I look into those knotted little brown eyes and not crumble into the drooling, mindless, devouring beast that I have become?

Alas, with a hefty sigh, I put a choke-chain on the craving and walked away.

We steered clear of the aisle with my bagged spud studs, thankfully. I know it's only the second day without them, but I'm not sure I could bear to look at them. You would think that all of the Dr. Phil I've overheard my Grandma watching would have prepared me better for this. ...okay, I sit down and watch it too sometimes. Don't judge me.

Still! Day two: my will is strong. As a further example of my commitment, Friend and I even looked up a recipe for the soup that we made tonight that was potato-free. Baby steps, people. Baby steps.

Now for the science. Here's the facts, folks.

Height: 5'0" Weight: 126 lbs. (Of gut-wrenching, blood-spilling, Mortal Kombat-heart-devouring muscle, I assure you. I'm a killer, I am. All 5 feet of me. ;3 )

...if anyone thinks of more things I should factualize, let me know. That's what I have for now.

I'll have somebody take some full body shots (you know, the boring ones against a wall) tomorrow to put up and see if at the end of this there's any difference at all. I'm not really looking to lose weight or anything, you understand; I'm merely testing the potato hypothesis I've had for some time and to see if I can measure any physical differences. If only I had Dexter's Lab.

Here's to you, kid,



  1. your craving creature makes me smile.

  2. oh yeah. tomorrow i am learning how to customize your blog, so you can have a different background instead of the birds. (maybe you can base it off this one with terridactals or potato chips?)

    i mean, if you want i can show you. if you want.

  3. Lol! I'd like that very much! It needs more potato, since I can't have them. I shouldn't deny the blog's wants and needs after all.
