Saturday, November 13, 2010

Leaf bags and Revelations.

I likea da patata.

On this beautiful fall day here in Ohio, the sun shone brightly, the sound of leaf blowers flew across the suburban grassland, and I raked up leaves in my backyard like a steam shovel on steroids.

It started innocently enough.

Then I realized that all of the leaves crunching under my feet sounded an awful lot like me grinding up crispy spuds between my sets of glistening, omnivorous teeth. The craving began. I shoved it away like a roman gladiator shield-punches a lion and continued to rake, determination in my heart and agony in my belly.

After I had made (and stomped through and re-raked) enormous leaf piles, my next task was to get the piles into bags.

Which essentially lead to my epiphany.

If all the leaves were chips, and the bags were, well, bags, I was re-bagging chips. Maybe this is just some big metaphor for my life and its chippy state, and me putting all the chips back into the bags that I've devoured so many of is just some sort of cleansing process. Maybe raking leaves could heal me of this astounding potato addiction!

Or maybe I'm still going through withdrawal. Either way, I enjoyed Autumn today. And I have the slight blisters on my princess-like hands to prove it. Err... WARRIOR-princess-like hands. 'Cuz I am a ludicrous amount of champ, wit, and bone-crushing power, believe you me.

Even Autumn needs some science!

Height: the elegance and grace of 5'0".
Weight: the swan-like beauty of all of 125 lbs.

If those leaf piles really would have been giant chip piles, what a great time that would have been. What a great time....

Leaves on the trees ain't got nothin' on me,


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