Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jealousy, Thy Name is Sweet Potato.

Still loving potatoes.

I work in an ice cream shop. It's a place full of magic and wonder and sugar and the smudgy hand prints of children decorating the glass that I have to clean on a regular basis. I come home smelling like waffle cones - a definite perk that saves me money on body spray.

I get to climb up on the counters occasionally to change things on the chalkboard - growing my 5'0" height to 8'5" or so and making me feel like an extremely large Uruk-hai or a Velociraptor getting ready to charge its ice cream prey. I find this invaluable as a learning experience. If I ever have to do some sort of conflict resolution between an Uruk-hai or a Velociraptor or a really, really tall person, I feel like I'm that much closer to understanding how they feel about the world. They feel mostly hungry, in case you're interested. Then again, so am I. Huh.

Be that as it may, we got in a slew of new flavors today, one of them being "Sweet Potato with Toasted Marshmallows". Thus, a great conflict rose within me.

Does a sweet potato count as a potato? Am I allowed to try a sample of this without breaking my "no potato" rule? More importantly, will Mr. Lay be jealous?

My mild conflict was put to rest by Colin, who told me I should just try it, and looked quite happy with it in his mouth.

It was good.

Then came the residual feelings: "What have I done?! Is this what cheating feels like? I'm so sorry! It was so DELICIOUS. Oh! Curse the all-natural ice cream god who created this confounded flavor!!"

Oh, the guilt. Or the un-guilt. I'm not sure if I should feel guilty or not because I still can't figure out whether a sweet potato qualifies as a potato potato....

Regardless, before I left work today I had a craving for french fries that was so bad I could've sold my left eyeball for some McDonald's. Gross, but true.

I'd be the best fry pirate ever.

To the science!

Height: Still a grand 5 feet.
Weight: A steady 126 lbs of wonderment.

I was not a lazy bum today and have pictures of me in a sports bra and the only shorts I seem to own. Yes, yes, I know what an extraordinarily brave and honorable person I am for putting these vulnerable, soul-wrenching photos out into the sea of the internet, but that's just the sort of person I am. Semi-exposed for science.

The last one is my personal favorite.

Maybe Mr. Lay should really be more worried about me cheating on him with Science...

The object of your affection,


Also, if you want some wonderful ice cream humor to follow the Halloweening that we had last weekend, check out this little gem that we filmed:  I guarantee it'll be a scream. Yep. That was a bad pun.


  1. i like commenting on every post you make. 'cuz i love you and shit. anyway on to the comment:

    pay close attention to the line about sweet potatoes being distantly related to the potato. i think you're safe. regardless of its non-reliability (being wikipedia and all) i still think mr. lay will understand your "slip"

  2. He's been with so many other men and women across America, nay, the world, that I would hope he would be understanding. After all, I'm willing to overlook his many indiscretions. A good relationship is a give and take. ;)
    I love that you keep commenting and sending me links. :D
