Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dwarves, Dinner, and How It's Done.

I love the Potato.

Although, I must admit, I'm finding ways to cope with not eating them. I'm stir frying a lot more. Heck, I even made a dessert the other night with my dinner. This process is forcing me to actually cook; something I've been trying to get myself to do for a long time now.

Cooking with Rini used to look like this:

Bag of fries and/or fish sticks and/or chicken strips.

Turn on oven.

Put on cookie sheet.

Look at how long to cook said bagged foodstuff.

Put cookie sheet in oven.


Check food.

If ready, take out.

Put on plate.

Eat like dinosaur.

Of course, if I were being REALLY honest with you, plain ole Eating with Rini looked like this:

Find bag.

Open bag.

Take bag to room.

Eat entire bag whilst watching Dr. Who/ Big Bang Theory/ 30 Rock/ and/or full length movie of some humorous sort.

Stare at bottom of bag for a moment and realize all chips are gone/ inside stomach.

Feel sort of sad that chips are gone. Do not feel bad that you ate whole bag of chips. In fact, if there are more bags, maybe open another bag.

If other bag is open, repeat. If no other bag is opened, throw empty bag away.

You are now done eating.

Now, I could still do this "cooking" business mentioned formerly even without my beloved potatoes, since fish sticks and chicken strips are, well, potato-free. I really think this whole endeavor has been more about self-education than anything, though, so a-cookin' I have gone. You know, for science and all that. I'm what would happen if Snow White's seven dwarves and Alton Brown got thrown into a teleportation unit and accidentally combined together and suddenly became female. Yep, you got it. I'm Chefy the dwarf. Or Hungry the dwarf. Yes, that makes more sense. Hungry the dwarf eats all the things.

So now Cooking with Rini looks like this:

See what's in fridge.

Find - green peppers, carrots, bean sprouts, red onion, mushrooms, and raw chicken.

Cut things into bite-sized pieces and put in little bowls.

Throw all things found into a skillet with some sort of oil.

Cook until done and tasty.

Eat like dinosaur.

So there's improvement, I'd say. Maybe if I actually looked up things to cook I'd cook more things. I like food.

Here's a whole box of shake 'n' bake science!

Height: the 5'0" of a master Iron Chef!
Weight: the 123 lbs of secret ingredient!

Just imagine what things will be like when I'm a-cookin' with potatoes. It'll make me as happy as a dwarf named after the emotion for which it is consistently, I'm sure. Did that make sense? See, now I'm Confused.

Wishing for the Spud I love,



  1. :D

    Wanna know tha funny thing, I imagine you as this drawing. Like actually doing this goofy stuff line for painted line.

    I read your blog 'ery day!

  2. After I'm finally done with writing about Potatoes, I'll have to continue the me-drawing adventures and narrate the time I set mom's birthday cake on fire. That's a good one. :3
