Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where Has the Love Gone? And Where Will It Go?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls of all ages,


That's right! I've made it though this agonizing month of growth and foodery! I'll be mere hours before my date with Wendy's and their new infamous fries. I'm gonna gobble those suckers up like Pac Man in a cherry factory. You'll get video footage or pictures, I promise.
Well folks, this is the end of the line. Now, I've decided to give you all a few options.
1.) Send me suggestions as to where you think I should go next. Anywhere at all.

2.) I'll do a little something twice a week or so as a "choose your own adventure" blog, where I start the business, but I give you options (a, b, c, etc.) to choose from and whichever is chosen I present and then offer further choices. So a blog that you AND I make.

3.) I continue to journey about the land of food, meeting different characters and learning new recipes, therefore educating myself and you of the lovely (and humorous) place in which our edibles dwell.

4.) A Masterpiece Theater spoof with potatoes as the characters. (In this you really have no choice. I'm doing it regardless because I love the concept and Sesame Street's Monsterpiece Theatre that I saw on youtube.) I'll start with a story I like and you can suggest others that you want performed by our potato actwahrs.

Whatever ends up winning, I really would like this to turn into more of an interactive place. A lot of people coming together and helping make one thing has always been an idea I've been attracted to, and I don't see why it couldn't work here. You're all intellegent readers, I'm sure (except for you over there) and it'd be fun to make you part of my blog. Aw, it'll be like "our" blog. We should get towels made up.
So, either comment below, send me a little somethin' somethin' on facebook, or feel free to email me any of those numbers or input of any kind. I'll still continue, regardless; I've heard from enough of you to know your lives just wouldn't be the same without me.

On to the finality of science!

Height: a Final Fantasied Five Feet.
Weight: The End of what is 123 lbs.!

I believe I am indeed victorious. I think Mr. Lay and I will be friends at this point, but I am through being infatuated with him. He'll just have to find someone else. Let's hope it isn't you. Unless you're into that sort of thing. No judgment.

So long, but not farewell,



  1. Rini! all good ideas, I'm still trying to devise where I think you should go next. Maybe middle earth, or perhaps you could just literally go different place and blog about them in terms of food or anything. hmmm...I'll keep thinking but I like the idea of interaction. awesome job!! :)

  2. #3!!! Start cooking and food adventures and housewifey things. Its fun. I've been playing with the idea of a cooking related blog. Sounds fun to me.

  3. Heehee! Thanks guys! I think I'll decide what to do next on Sunday or Monday "officially". I'm interested to count up the comments here and on facebook and in my email.
    They could all go in really good directions. Erin, going to middle earth sounds fantastic. Let's road trip. :) Awry, I KNOW, it would teach me SO much. I learned the right way to make tea the other day off of Chow.com and just about peed myself in jubilation. You should do a cooking related blog! You're such a domestic goddess! :D
