Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My, What Beautiful Little Tater Tots You Have!

I still love potatoes, it seems.

However, there may be hope for my tubular tubers. My friend Lindsey sent me this the other day:

If you decide not to click the link above for any reason whatsoever (have no fear, you linkophobics! No judgments here!), it's an article about a chap who is eating nothing BUT potatoes for 60 days. In some measure of Tater Karma, it seems this guy is eating all the potatoes I'm giving up. ...well, sort of.

See, my glorious chip harem is made up of bags of crispy, artificial artery cloggers and deliciously deep fried... fries. I love the potato in all it's shapes and sizes, but those are the ways that they typically find their way into my wake of munching destruction.

This guy is making a case for the health benefits of our friend the potato. I guess potatoes alone aren't fattening at all; it's the toppings that make them unhealthy or how they are prepared.

Gasp! Shock! Be still my quavering heart! Because this ultimately means that my relationship with the super spud need not be forever severed. Mr. Lay and I should call it quits for my long-term physical (and mental and emotional) health for obvious reasons. - I'm a girl writing about loving potatoes, for goodness sake.

Perhaps I could just slim Mr. Lay down... yes... yes! I could change him! The power of love will conquer all obstacles!! We'll settle down in a great spud plantation down South, and get long-drawling southern accents, and he'll buy me sun bonnets, and we'll have a whole big ole family of Tater Tots! Oh, joy! Oh, rapture!


I told you there would be delusions and withdrawal symptoms. Please excuse me while I make like a busted speaker and get unsound. (< I know, so bad. It's the withdrawal, I tell you.)

To the science!

Height: still 5'0" of excellence.
Weight: a grand 126 lbs. of awesome.

I know I said there would be real pictures today, but you'll have to wait, as I am too lazy to get someone to take them and change into a sports bra and such. I know you're just aching with antici.................pation. Patience is a virtue. I'm helping make you into a better person right now. Yes, this very moment. Pat yourself on the back. And then pat mine, because I like that sort of thing.

Tot-fully yours,


By the way, Linkophobia is apparently a legit thing. Or, rather, a legit urban thing: But if you are linkophobic, I know you're not going to click on that.

What a tangled web we weave.

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